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Emneth Extra

At Emneth Academy we take pride in our knowledge rich curriculum however we want to provide more. Through our comprehensively planned enrichment programme called Emneth Extra we do just that: add extra! We aim to add extra to the packed curriculum.

We aim to give new experiences, extend the children’s learning and make school life even more fun. It develops character, resilience and motivation, and encourages them to pursue wider goals.

It helps to teach life skills that benefit children beyond the classroom and develops an appreciation for cultural and community issues, teamwork and social responsibility.

Research by the Education Endowment Foundation has found a link between enrichment and higher attainment in reading and maths. Basically, this will make our children more brilliant.

The organisation of this Extra element to school life takes on many strands that weave together to give our children an outstanding learning experience. The Emneth Extra map outlines the opportunities that are organised for the coming year. These include whole school events, class trips, after-school activities, fundraising events led by the Friends of the School, community events, clubs, teams to represent the school, visitors into school and much, much more. The Emneth Key Skills list is designed to engage everyone in developing knowledge and skills within and beyond the curriculum and runs alongside the Emneth Extra programme.

'Emneth Extra' officially launches on Wednesday 25th September with a fun, challenging, whole school 'Boogie Bounce' event.