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Welcome to Year 1


The class is for Year 1 pupils and our teacher is Miss Brenchley. Miss Brenchley is supported by Mrs Cox and Miss Eglen.

To give you a clear picture of the timetable for the day please see below.

Children should continue their learning at home. This could include a weekly set of spellings to learn, regularly practising their number bonds, 2s, 5s and 10 times tables and be heard reading by an adult.

Year 1 pupils enjoy short daily phonics sessions following the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme to confidently learn how to read and write to become confident and independent learners ready for the Phonics Screening check.

Any learning at home will help to both consolidate and support the learning the children have done in class. Please do not do it for them, but we encourage you to show a supportive interest in what they are doing.

When you hear your child reading, please go for quality rather than quantity – just a few pages from their scheme book each evening, rather than trying to get through the whole book in one go. Please remember to correct any errors they make, encourage expression and fluency, and make sure you discuss what they have just read with them (which helps develop those important skills of inference and deduction).

We have also been developing our curriculum plans across the whole school and in Year 1, you will find information supporting this in our curriculum plan showing all the different and fascinating knowledge we are going to explore, learn and discover in class!

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Thank you for your support.

Miss Brenchley

Year 1